Schoolwide Learner Outcomes (SLOs) are the compilation of our purpose, mission, vision, goals, and indicators of our learning community. As educators, we strive to instill the following qualities in all of our students. We use the following indicators as a tool in evaluating our school program as they comprise all of our ideas regarding a well balanced student, learner, and contributor to the world at large.
Loved by Jesus (Faith)
Know I am loved by Jesus and show my love for Him
Love others the way Jesus loves me
Read and learn the stories of the Bible and teachings of Jesus
Share the good news of Jesus with people who ask
Pray every day
Never give up (Inner Strength)
Be flexible and positive when facing challenges
Stay emotionally strong
Bounce back quickly from setbacks and disappointments
Perform at a high level even under pressure
Remain connected and engaged when challenges arise
I love learning (Academics)
Develop a positive attitude towards learning
Accept responsibility for my own learning
Use a variety of technological and multimedia tools to gather information
Try new ideas
Learn from my mistakes
Open hearted (Relationships)
Build healthy relationships in every area of life
Love and respect people, even when they don’t love and respect me
Develop self-awareness and social intelligence
Show love and respect for everyone
Appreciate and respect other cultures and ethnicities
Sent by God (Purpose)
Know God’s purpose for my life
Use my life in service to God and others
Use all my gifts, talents, and resources to serve other people
Be a good citizen
Help all people who have a need in our community and the world